Each of us has a bond which is so strong that it is unbreakable. It maybe with our family or friend or even a stranger. This bond is eternal and is one of the significant factors defining who we are.

On the surface, this bond may not look as unbreakable as it actually is. For instance, I came across two brothers in my life. They are actually very close to each other and do anything ( actions not visible outwardly) to make their lives happier but on the surface, they don’t talk much and connect only during family gatherings. This make other think that their bond can be broken and taken advantage of but when the action of brothers come into limelight, everyone gets shocked because they both are always present for each other whenever the need arises.

It’s like the thing is actually not what it look like just like everyone of us is. Each of us is different and so we bond in our own ways with others. But we should never forget these beautiful bonds which may be invisible are keep building up over time.

Let’s cherish them , live with them and make our lives happier.

6 thoughts on “THE INVISIBLE BOND

  1. Lia July 26, 2023 / 4:57 am

    This is a beautiful statement, and I love the story about the brothers.<33

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Vishnupriya September 25, 2023 / 2:28 am

    Your writing make me envision your ink to come true. Be safe and take care 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

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